Short-short fiction. Spiritual-oriented flash fiction. ICE SCULPTURE IN THE DESERT: Short Stories for Enriching Your Prayer Life is unique as a compact devotional.
Additional Bonus: my recommendation list of 40 must-read books for writers of novels, short stories, poems, and creative nonfiction.
ICE SCULPTURE IN THE DESERT explores the urgent human terrain individuals face. This volume showcases twelve short-short stories, or flash fiction. A short commentary, suggested readings, and devotional challenge follow each story. The preface describes the intended series.
• A young urban artist torn between leaving the inner city and aiding his ailing grandfather is befriended by an art gallery owner in a neighborhood stunned by violence
• As the result of a chance encounter, a girl reluctant to leave her house is saved from possibly drowning
• A selfless young man refuses to let street violence shape his world at the same time he’s helping his Hispanic family survive
• At an amusement park in Arizona, a physically challenged woman comes to terms with her sense of fear while consoling a frightened boy
• A man who lost his family in a car accident makes a discovery near a mountain creek
• A girl learns a valuable lesson from a gifted elderly woman
The verses and challenges connect with subject matter in each short-short story. Each reveals characters at varying emotional stages that range from their dealing with fear and violence to abandonment, reconciliation, serving others, and justice.